
Sarah Clark

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 4 months ago

Hi! I'm Sarah Clark, Access Services and Distance Learning Librarian at Rogers State University in beautiful Claremore, OK. This is my first time at IL, and I'm looking forward to it! Tentatively I plan to blog this conference from the newbie perspective at my site, The Scattered Librarian.


My big goals are to network and put faces to all of the names I swap blog comments with, and also to pick up some good ideas to implement in our library's upcoming (and desperately needed!) website overhaul, which is happening simultaneously with our migration to the Sirsi Unicorn ILS and ramping up as a new US selective government Depository (yes, we're just a little busy!).


In addition, I'm looking at starting a side business as an independent research consultant in the next 6-12 months, and I'm hoping to meet up with (and pick the brains of) other librarians who have made the leap into entrepreneurship. I'm doing dine-arounds most evenings, but have kept lunches clear for people I may meet during the conference (or just to go veg out for an hour!) Thanks so much!



Sunday, October 22
9:00-4:00Searcher's Academy
LunchOpen, hoping to meet some people from AIIP
DinnerWith Roomate, or open


Monday, October 23
8-9Coffee and Danish Hour (provided I wake up!)
10:15-11:00The Web 2.0 Challenge to Libraries
11:15-12:0030 Search Tips
LunchWith a new friend
1:15-2:00Coping and designing to minimize stress
2:15-3:00Searching the new digital formats
3:15-4:00Library Redesign: Making the data work harder
4:15-5:00IT& Library Synergy, OR Gadgets, Gadgets, Gadgets
DinnerDine-around: New Roles for Info Pros and Librarians


Tuesday, October 24
8-9Coffee and Danish Hour (provided I wake up!)
9:45-10:30Exhibit Break--will be wandering around
10:30-12:15Podcasting and Videocasting
LunchNo Plans Yet
1:15-2:00Repository Essentials
2-2:45Exhibit Break--Rachel Singer Gordon's book signing :-)
2:45-3:30Delivering Individualized Library Content
3:30-4:00Exhibit Break--will be wandering around
4:00-5:00RSS & JavaScript Cookbook
DinnerDine-Around: Podcasting, Flickr, and other social tools
7:30-9:00 Evening Session


Wednesday, October 25
8-9Coffee and Danish Hour (provided I wake up!)
9:45-10:30Exhibit Break--will be wandering around
10:30-12:15Wikis in Libraries (may skip part 2 for Training Tutorial seminar)
LunchReception in Exhibit Hall
1:45-2:30Comparing Book Search Engines
2:45-3:30Blogging Update: Applications and Tips
3:45-4:30Closing Keynote
DinnerDine-Around: Internet Librarians and trends for 2007


Thursday, October 26
An Ungodly hourHead for the airport--I HATE living in a non-hub city...*sigh*



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